Back with a new issue of Branding Basics! This one’s all about understanding and attracting your right people.
Cultivating your right audience lies within you and how you show up within your brand. You may hear a lot of gurus talk about how you need to learn more about who your audience is before diving in, but how do we discover who those people are?
Discovering your aligned audience starts with you. Instead of learning about who your current audience is, embody who you want to attract naturally through your brand messaging. Become a magnet to those people, and then get to know them on that deeper level.
You may have an established brand or you may be just starting out. Either way, your messaging now aligns with you, and you’re dying to get a better handle on who you’re right people actually are. Basic demographics of your audience may seem helpful here, but what really matters is understanding them on a deeper level.
Getting to the hearts of your people, their values, pain points, and dreams will give you better clarity and help strengthen the messaging you already embody.
What are their fears in business and in life? What keeps them up at night?
How would interacting with your brand make them feel?
What do they struggle with externally? And internally?
What are they passionate about?
Download my free Client Avatar Questionnaire if you’d like to dive in!
As you can see, none of these questions talk about their basic demographics, but who they are on the inside—their hopes, fears, dreams, and how you can help. I find it helpful to do this exercise first with your initial perception of your audience. Take some time and write out each answer that may relate to your client relationship experiences, audience connections, and feedback. After that, it’s time to actively seek out feedback and really get to know this dream audience you’ve attracted.
This can be as simple as setting up a few polls or questions on Instagram or sending out an email survey. Since some of these questions can feel intimate, you can always give them the option to respond anonymously.
Start taking some time to interact with your audience. May that be through social media, email, or in-person (post-Covid), do this whichever way feels right for you and your brand. Personally, I love chatting with people through DM’s on Instagram.
Listen up.
Are your ideal people commenting or messaging you things that are (most likely) insightful for your business? If you notice a common thread, take note of it and keep it somewhere you can revisit. Is there a new service, product, course, etc. that you can offer with what you are hearing?
Gather information from past clients/their experience working with you.
This one’s not only great for understanding your right people but for also collecting info to create a compelling testimonial. Seeing how you helped solve their problems, gain clarity, and allow for transformation will help you better understand what went well, and what you can tweak for next time.
Moving forward…
As you grow within your brand, your messaging will strengthen with the help of understanding the audience you naturally attract. Continue to learn and check in with your audience. Notice patterns and common threads. Check-in with your offerings and see how you can better serve.
Check-in with your visual brand. Does it still align with your messaging? Has anything shifted as you’ve moved forward? I’m a huge believer in brand longevity, but sometimes you shift and change within your business. Making sure your brand aligns as a whole, is essential for a thriving brand that naturally attracts your right people.
See you at the next Branding Basics lesson!
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